Seggers JLink


Hex-Rays IDA Pro

v8 vs. v9

Version 8.0
Identical to version 7.0 with the following exception:
- SWD support for non-3.3V targets.

Version 9.1
- New design based on STM32F205.

Version 9.2
Identical to version 9.1 with the following exception:
- Pin 1 (VTref) is used for measuring target reference
  voltage only. Buffers on J-Link side are no longer
  powered through this pin but via the J-Link internal
  voltage supplied via USB.


STM32: Hello World (Shenzhen LC Technology STM32F103C8 development board)
Shenzhen LC Technology Co.,Ltd.

J-Link Device Name Settings

GNU ARM Eclipse & Segger J-Link Device Name Settings

J-Link Commander
Reading peripheral register of Cortex M0 MCU using JLink and GDB


To switch to serial wire debug (SWD):
> si 1

Set the device profile for the target MCU:
> device EFM32GG990F1024
> device STM32F103C8

Erase the flash:
> erase

Download a binary file:
> loadbin c:\blink.bin, 0x0
> loadbin /home/andreas/Downloads/generic_boot20_pc13.bin 0x0

Reset the MCU:
> r

Run the MCU (Go):
> g

Halt the MCU:
> h

To verify that a binary file was properly downloaded to MCU flash:
> verifybin c:\blink.bin, 0x0

To upload memory from MCU flash and save it to a
binary file (start-address, length):
> savebin c:\upload.bin, 0x0, 0x1084
$ /opt/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkExe -device STM32F103C8 -if SWD -speed 4000

SEGGER J-Link Commander V5.12f (Compiled May 17 2016 16:01:56)
DLL version V5.12f, compiled May 17 2016 16:01:51

Connecting to J-Link via USB...O.K.
Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Apr 22 2016 11:47:06
Hardware version: V9.20
S/N: xxxxxxxxx
License(s): GDB, RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, RDDI
VTref = 3.322V

J-Link[0]: Connection: USB, Serial number: xxxxxxxxx, ProductName: xxxxxxxxxx

Device "STM32F103C8" selected.

Found SWD-DP with ID 0x1BA01477
Found SWD-DP with ID 0x1BA01477
Found Cortex-M3 r1p1, Little endian.
FPUnit: 6 code (BP) slots and 2 literal slots
CoreSight components:
ROMTbl 0 @ E00FF000
ROMTbl 0 [0]: FFF0F000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB000 SCS
ROMTbl 0 [1]: FFF02000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB002 DWT
ROMTbl 0 [2]: FFF03000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB003 FPB
ROMTbl 0 [3]: FFF01000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 001BB001 ITM
ROMTbl 0 [4]: FFF41000, CID: B105900D, PID: 001BB923 TPIU-Lite
Cortex-M3 identified.

J-Link>loadbin /home/andreas/Downloads/F103_blink_ledNUCLEO_F103RB.bin 0x0
Halting CPU for downloading file.
Downloading file [/home/andreas/Downloads/F103_blink_ledNUCLEO_F103RB.bin]...
Comparing flash   [100%] Done.
Erasing flash     [100%] Done.
Programming flash [100%] Done.
Verifying flash   [100%] Done.
J-Link: Flash download: Flash programming performed for 1 range (24576 bytes)
J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 1.071s (Prepare: 0.055s, Compare: 0.004s, Erase: 0.352s, Program: 0.654s, Verify: 0.000s, Restore: 0.003s)

J-Link>loadbin /home/andreas/Downloads/generic_boot20_pc13.bin 0x0
Halting CPU for downloading file.
Downloading file [/home/andreas/Downloads/generic_boot20_pc13.bin]...
Comparing flash   [100%] Done.
Erasing flash     [100%] Done.
Programming flash [100%] Done.
Verifying flash   [100%] Done.
J-Link: Flash download: Flash programming performed for 1 range (8192 bytes)
J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 0.480s (Prepare: 0.066s, Compare: 0.002s, Erase: 0.176s, Program: 0.218s, Verify: 0.000s, Restore: 0.016s)


GNU ARM Eclipse
How to install the ARM toolchain?
GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain
Ubuntu PPA: GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-gcc-arm-embedded/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-embedded

GCC Option Summary

-v            Print the commands executed to run
              the stages of compilation.
-x language   Specify explicitly the language for
              the following input files.
-E            Stop after the preprocessing stage;
              do not run the compiler proper.
-Wp,option    You can use -Wp,option to bypass the
              compiler driver and pass option
              directly through to the preprocessor. 

$ echo | arm-none-eabi-gcc -v -x c -E -
Using built-in specs.
Target: arm-none-eabi
Configured with: /build/gcc-arm-none-eabi-CE0_5N/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2016q4/src/gcc/configure --target=arm-none-eabi --prefix=/build/gcc-arm-none-eabi-CE0_5N/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2016q4/install-native --libexecdir=/build/gcc-arm-none-eabi-CE0_5N/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2016q4/install-native/lib --infodir=/build/gcc-arm-none-eabi-CE0_5N/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2016q4/install-native/share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/info --mandir=/build/gcc-arm-none-eabi-CE0_5N/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2016q4/install-native/share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/man --htmldir=/build/gcc-arm-none-eabi-CE0_5N/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2016q4/install-native/share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/html --pdfdir=/build/gcc-arm-none-eabi-CE0_5N/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2016q4/install-native/share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/pdf --enable-languages=c,c++ --enable-plugins --disable-decimal-float --disable-libffi --disable-libgomp --disable-libmudflap --disable-libquadmath --disable-libssp --disable-libstdcxx-pch --disable-nls --disable-shared --disable-threads --disable-tls --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld --with-newlib --with-headers=yes --with-python-dir=share/gcc-arm-none-eabi --with-sysroot=/build/gcc-arm-none-eabi-CE0_5N/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2016q4/install-native/arm-none-eabi --with-host-libstdcxx='-static-libgcc -Wl,-Bstatic,-lstdc++,-Bdynamic -lm' --with-pkgversion='GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors' --with-multilib-list=rmprofile
Thread model: single
gcc version 6.2.1 20161205 (release) [ARM/embedded-6-branch revision 243739] (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 
 /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/cc1 -E -quiet -v -iprefix /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/ -isysroot /usr/bin/../arm-none-eabi -D__USES_INITFINI__ -
ignoring duplicate directory "/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/include"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/bin/../arm-none-eabi/usr/local/include"
ignoring duplicate directory "/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/include-fixed"
ignoring duplicate directory "/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/include"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/bin/../arm-none-eabi/usr/include"
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
# 1 "<stdin>"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "<stdin>"

$ echo | arm-none-eabi-gcc -E -Wp,-v -
ignoring duplicate directory "/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/include"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/bin/../arm-none-eabi/usr/local/include"
ignoring duplicate directory "/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/include-fixed"
ignoring duplicate directory "/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/../../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/6.2.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/include"
ignoring nonexistent directory "/usr/bin/../arm-none-eabi/usr/include"
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.
# 1 "<stdin>"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "<stdin>"


SEGGER J-Link install
The J-Link hardware debugging Eclipse plug-in
Plug-ins install
Stepping into disassembled code



Debugging Libraries

GNU Libs with Debug Information: Rebuilding the GNU ARM Libraries
Semihosting with GNU ARM Embedded (LaunchPad) and GNU ARM Eclipse Debug Plugins

Serial Wire Output (SWO) / Retargeting

Semihosting on ARM Cortex-M with open-source tools
Cannot Get Semihosting To Print (STM32F4, OpenOCD)
STM32F2 + SWO + JLINK + JLINK server + GDB client elf console
Semihosting on STM32 with GNU ARM Embedded, Eclipse and JLink GDB Server
J-Link SWO Viewer
Semihosting with GNU ARM Embedded (LaunchPad) and GNU ARM Eclipse Debug Plugins
Linker error on a C project using eclipse
Getting NewLib and printf to work with the STM32 and Code Sourcery Lite eabi
Linker error, undefined reference to `_sbrk’
Cannot Get Semihosting To Print (STM32F4, OpenOCD)
Printing “Hello World” to terminal from some board including nrf51822.
printf-gcc: An example of how printf can be redirected to UART with nRF51822
STM32 – printf
Printf() – debugging
Supply own _sbrk with libnosys/rdimon

undefined reference to `_sbrk’

arm-none-eabi-gcc -ggdb -Wall -Tstm32_flash.ld  -mlittle-endian -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb-interwork -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -Iinc -Ilib -Ilib/inc  -Ilib/inc/core -Ilib/inc/peripherals  src/main.c src/stm32f4xx_it.c src/system_stm32f4xx.c lib/startup_stm32f4xx.s -o main.elf -Llib -lstm32f4
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m/fpu/libg.a(lib_a-sbrkr.o): In function `_sbrk_r':
sbrkr.c:(.text._sbrk_r+0xc): undefined reference to `_sbrk'
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m/fpu/libg.a(lib_a-writer.o): In function `_write_r':
writer.c:(.text._write_r+0x10): undefined reference to `_write'
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m/fpu/libg.a(lib_a-closer.o): In function `_close_r':
closer.c:(.text._close_r+0xc): undefined reference to `_close'
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m/fpu/libg.a(lib_a-fstatr.o): In function `_fstat_r':
fstatr.c:(.text._fstat_r+0xe): undefined reference to `_fstat'
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m/fpu/libg.a(lib_a-isattyr.o): In function `_isatty_r':
isattyr.c:(.text._isatty_r+0xc): undefined reference to `_isatty'
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m/fpu/libg.a(lib_a-lseekr.o): In function `_lseek_r':
lseekr.c:(.text._lseek_r+0x10): undefined reference to `_lseek'
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m/fpu/libg.a(lib_a-readr.o): In function `_read_r':
readr.c:(.text._read_r+0x10): undefined reference to `_read'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [main.elf] Error 1

Use rdimon:


undefined reference to `__end__’

arm-none-eabi-gcc -ggdb -Wall -Tstm32_flash.ld  -mlittle-endian -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb-interwork -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -Iinc -Ilib -Ilib/inc  -Ilib/inc/core -Ilib/inc/peripherals  src/main.c src/stm32f4xx_it.c src/system_stm32f4xx.c lib/startup_stm32f4xx.s --specs=rdimon.specs -Wl,--start-group -lgcc -lc -lm -lrdimon -Wl,--end-group -o main.elf -Llib -lstm32f4
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m/fpu/rdimon-crt0.o: In function `_start':
(.text+0xd8): undefined reference to `__end__'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [main.elf] Error 1

No __end__ identifier. Create one in stm32_flash.ld

  .bss :
    _ebss = .;         /* define a global symbol at bss end */
    __bss_end__ = _ebss;
  } >RAM

  ._user_heap_stack :
  .bss :
    _ebss = .;         /* define a global symbol at bss end */
    __bss_end__ = _ebss;
  } >RAM

PROVIDE(__end__ = _ebss);
  ._user_heap_stack :

Debug Register: Decimal -> Hex

In “Opened view default settings” change “Default register format:” to “Hexadecimal”.


Busted JLink
J-Link v8 with FW newer than May 20, 2010?
OpenOCD and Segger J-Link
OpenOCD 0.5.0 not working with JLink 4.50m FW
J-Link v8 with FW newer than May 20, 2010?
Clearing lockup after double fault
J-Link v8 with FW newer than May 20, 2010?

$ sudo JLinkExe 
SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.78a ('?' for help)
Compiled Oct  8 2013 13:36:53
Can not connect to J-Link via USB.
$ cat JLink.log 
TB75126C0 000:000 SEGGER J-Link V4.78a Log File (0000ms, 0000ms total)
TB75126C0 000:000 DLL Compiled: Oct  8 2013 13:36:49 (0000ms, 0000ms total)
TB75126C0 000:000 Logging started @ 2013-10-11 22:18 (0000ms, 0000ms total)
TB75126C0 000:000 JLINK_SetWarnOutHandler(...) (0000ms, 0000ms total)
TB75126C0 000:000 JLINK_SelectUSB(Port = 0)  returns 0x00 (0001ms, 0001ms total)
TB75126C0 000:001 JLINK_OpenEx(...)
  ***** Error: Can not connect to J-Link via USB.  returns "Can not connect to J-Link via USB." (0136ms, 0137ms total)
TB75126C0 224:915 JLINK_ClrError() (0000ms, 0137ms total)
TB75126C0 224:915 JLINK_Close() (0000ms, 0137ms total)
TB75126C0 224:915  (0000ms, 0137ms total)
TB75126C0 224:915 Closed (0000ms, 0137ms total)
BUS!="usb", ACTION!="add", SUBSYSTEM!=="usb_device", GOTO="jlink_rules_end"
# Give all users read and write access.
ATTRS{idProduct}=="0101", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1366", MODE="666"
ATTRS{idProduct}=="0102", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1366", MODE="666"
ATTRS{idProduct}=="0103", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1366", MODE="666"
ATTRS{idProduct}=="0104", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1366", MODE="666"
# J-Link OBs with CDC functionality
ATTRS{idProduct}=="0105", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1366", MODE="666"

Breaking JLink Clone-Detection
Anyone used JLink on Linux
J-Link Commander without sudo

Local GDB rather than Segger GDB

GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.04) 7.11.1
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
warning: Cannot convert floating-point register value to non-floating-point type.

JLink DLL / SO

$ file /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V512f/
ELF 64-bit LSB shared object,
version 1 (SYSV),
dynamically linked,
BuildID[sha1]=93c09423c37da8451fa0a37bbbf613b8352a6948, stripped

$ objdump -f /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V512f/
/opt/SEGGER/JLink_V512f/     file format elf64-x86-64
architecture: i386:x86-64, flags 0x00000150:
start address 0x00000000000ff510

$ readelf -S /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V512f/
There are 27 section headers, starting at offset 0x9f46a0:

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset       Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align
  [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000     0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     0
  [ 1] NOTE             0000000000000190  00000190     0000000000000024  0000000000000000   A       0     0     4
  [ 2] .gnu.hash         GNU_HASH         00000000000001b8  000001b8     0000000000001350  0000000000000000   A       3     0     8
  [ 3] .dynsym           DYNSYM           0000000000001508  00001508     00000000000040f8  0000000000000018   A       4     2     8
  [ 4] .dynstr           STRTAB           0000000000005600  00005600     0000000000003334  0000000000000000   A       0     0     1
  [ 5] .gnu.version      VERSYM           0000000000008934  00008934     000000000000056a  0000000000000002   A       3     0     2
  [ 6] .gnu.version_r    VERNEED          0000000000008ea0  00008ea0     00000000000000d0  0000000000000000   A       4     5     8
  [ 7] .rela.dyn         RELA             0000000000008f70  00008f70     00000000000f2bf8  0000000000000018   A       3     0     8
  [ 8] .rela.plt         RELA             00000000000fbb68  000fbb68     0000000000002280  0000000000000018   A       3    10     8
  [ 9] .init             PROGBITS         00000000000fdde8  000fdde8     0000000000000018  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     4
  [10] .plt              PROGBITS         00000000000fde00  000fde00     0000000000001710  0000000000000010  AX       0     0     4
  [11] .text             PROGBITS         00000000000ff510  000ff510     0000000000153f28  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     16
  [12] .fini             PROGBITS         0000000000253438  00253438     000000000000000e  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     4
  [13] .rodata           PROGBITS         0000000000253460  00253460     00000000001337fc  0000000000000000   A       0     0     32
  [14] .eh_frame_hdr     PROGBITS         0000000000386c5c  00386c5c     000000000000d924  0000000000000000   A       0     0     4
  [15] .eh_frame         PROGBITS         0000000000394580  00394580     0000000000038bd4  0000000000000000   A       0     0     8
  [16] .ctors            PROGBITS         00000000005cd158  003cd158     0000000000000028  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     8
  [17] .dtors            PROGBITS         00000000005cd180  003cd180     0000000000000020  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     8
  [18] .jcr              PROGBITS         00000000005cd1a0  003cd1a0     0000000000000008  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     8
  [19]      PROGBITS         00000000005cd1c0  003cd1c0     000000000008bfe0  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     32
  [20] .dynamic          DYNAMIC          00000000006591a0  004591a0     00000000000001d0  0000000000000010  WA       4     0     8
  [21] .got              PROGBITS         0000000000659370  00459370     0000000000000410  0000000000000008  WA       0     0     8
  [22] .got.plt          PROGBITS         0000000000659780  00459780     0000000000000b98  0000000000000008  WA       0     0     8
  [23] .data             PROGBITS         000000000065a320  0045a320     000000000059a240  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     32
  [24] .bss              NOBITS           0000000000bf4560  009f4560     000000000020c8f0  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     32
  [25] .comment          PROGBITS         0000000000000000  009f4560     0000000000000059  0000000000000001  MS       0     0     1
  [26] .shstrtab         STRTAB           0000000000000000  009f45b9     00000000000000e5  0000000000000000           0     0     1
Key to Flags:
  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), l (large)
  I (info), L (link order), G (group), T (TLS), E (exclude), x (unknown)
  O (extra OS processing required) o (OS specific), p (processor specific)

$ objdump -s -j .rodata /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V512f/
 328ed0 31473137 00415439 3153414d 44323147  1G17.AT91SAMD21G
 328ee0 31374100 41543931 53414d44 32314731  17A.AT91SAMD21G1
 328ef0 37415500 41543931 53414d44 32314731  7AU.AT91SAMD21G1
 328f00 38004154 53414d44 32314731 38004154  8.ATSAMD21G18.AT
 328f10 39315341 4d443231 47313841 00415453  91SAMD21G18A.ATS
 328f20 414d4432 31473138 41550041 54393153  AMD21G18AU.AT91S
 328f30 414d4432 314a3134 00415453 414d4432  AMD21J14.ATSAMD2
 328f40 314a3134 00415439 3153414d 4432314a  1J14.AT91SAMD21J

Start Debugging in Assembler

Command Line Programming and Debugging with GDB
Source and Machine Code
Examining Source Files

$ /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V512f/JLinkGDBServer -device ATSAMD21G18 -if SWD -speed 4000

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb 
(gdb) target remote :2331
(gdb) monitor reset
(gdb) si
(gdb) info registers
r0             0x2000005c	536871004
r1             0x0	0
r2             0x20000000	536870912
r3             0x42001400	1107301376
r4             0x200003e8	536871912
r5             0x20	32
r6             0xc	12
r7             0x20000400	536871936
r8             0xffd9befd	4292460285
r9             0x75fdf1ff	1979576831
r10            0xbfe7fffb	3219652603
r11            0xd373ffff	3547594751
r12            0x0	0
sp             0x20007fec	0x20007fec
lr             0x4fc5	20421
pc             0x652	0x652
xpsr           0x41000000	1090519040
MSP            0x20007fec	536903660
PSP            0x7f6fefec	2138042348
PRIMASK        0x0	0
BASEPRI        0x0	0
FAULTMASK      0x0	0
CONTROL        0x0	0

(gdb) p/x $pc
$1 = 0x652

(gdb) x/5i $pc
=> 0x64e:	ldr	r0, [pc, #60]	; (0x68c)
   0x650:	push	{r3, r4, r5, lr}
   0x652:	cmp	r2, r0
   0x654:	bne.n	0x660
   0x656:	ldr	r2, [pc, #56]	; (0x690)

Linux AT91SAM7

[  857.978356] usb 1-1: new full-speed USB device number 7 using xhci_hcd
[  858.127257] usb 1-1: New USB device found, idVendor=03eb, idProduct=6124
[  858.127264] usb 1-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0
[  858.128567] cdc_acm 1-1:1.0: ttyACM1: USB ACM device

Linux udev

$ file /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V634h/ 
/opt/SEGGER/JLink_V634h/ ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2a5fdec57f4c7979a8f453bc87e3f4f11a2b58c9, stripped

$ file /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V634h/ 
/opt/SEGGER/JLink_V634h/ ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=87bcf47d3d0a1ce17be9b08d935ca62451c68658, stripped

$ /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V634h/JLinkExe 
SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.34h (Compiled Oct  9 2018 15:50:29)
DLL version V6.34h, compiled Oct  9 2018 15:50:01

Connecting to J-Link via USB...Updating firmware:  J-Link
Replacing firmware: J-Link
FAILED: Failed to activate bootloader (timeout)

$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

$ udevadm monitor --udev
monitor will print the received events for:
UDEV - the event which udev sends out after rule processing

UDEV  [3055.482775] add      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1 (usb)
UDEV  [3055.489309] add      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.1 (usb)
UDEV  [3055.489419] add      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0 (usb)
UDEV  [3055.493441] bind     /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.1 (usb)
UDEV  [3055.496803] add      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/tty/ttyACM1 (tty)
UDEV  [3055.500750] add      /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.2 (usb)
UDEV  [3055.506381] bind     /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0 (usb)
UDEV  [3055.511787] bind     /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1 (usb)

UDEV  [3078.917122] unbind   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.1 (usb)
UDEV  [3078.919208] remove   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.2 (usb)
UDEV  [3078.921420] remove   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.1 (usb)
UDEV  [3078.922618] remove   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/tty/ttyACM1 (tty)
UDEV  [3078.928998] unbind   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0 (usb)
UDEV  [3078.931900] remove   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0 (usb)
UDEV  [3078.936413] unbind   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1 (usb)
UDEV  [3078.941354] remove   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-1 (usb)

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