Monthly Archives: September 2015

Windowing System, Desktop Environment, Window Manager

Windowing System

Windowing system
Display server

X Window System

X Window System

Remote Desktop

Desktop Environment

Desktop Environments
Comparison of X Window System desktop environments
What kinds of desktop environments and shells are available?

Window Manager

Window Manager
Comparison of X Window Managers

How to determine which window manager is running

$ sudo apt-get install wmctrl
$ man wmctrl
-m  Display information about the window manager ...
$ wmctrl -m
Name: Metacity


Compositing Window Manager

Widget Toolkits

List of widget toolkits

TI CC3200

CC3200, for CC3200-LAUNCHXL
TI Stellaris LaunchPad EK-LM4F120XL

CC3200 SDK (Windows Only)
CC31xx & CC32xx Wiki (SimpleLink)
CC3200 SimpleLink Overview
CC3200 SimpleLink Porting
CC3200 Peripheral Driver Library User’s Guide

CC32xx LaunchPad Hardware
TI PinMux Tool
TI PinMux Tool v4 in the Cloud (YouTube Video)
CC32xx SDK Sample Applications


Getting Started with WLAN Station -User’s Guide
Programmer’s Guide


Energia CC3200 Jumper Settings


Creating a basic Wireless App for CC3200


Using the CC3200 Launchpad Under Linux
TI’s SimpleLink CC3200-LaunchXL with Linux First Steps
CC3200 development under Linux
CC3200-Linux-SDK: SDK, tools and doc about CC3200 uC development under linux


NuttX Real-Time Operating System
SourceForge NuttX


awk = Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan

$0 = whole line
$1 = first field
$2 = second field
$NF = last field
FS = field separator, default FS=\s+
OFS = output field seperator
RS = record (line) separator
ORS = output record seperator
NR = number of records (counter from 1 to n)
NF = total number of fields
FILENAME = name of the current input file
FNR = number of records relative to the current input file
  -> RSTART = where the pattern starts
  -> RLENGTH = the length of the pattern


Awk – A Tutorial and Introduction – by Bruce Barnett
Awk Introduction Tutorial – 7 Awk Print Examples
10 Awk Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls


gawk Manual – Startup and Cleanup Actions
AWK scripting: 10 BEGIN and END block examples

BEGIN { just once }
{ every record by itself }
END { just once }

Built-In Variables

8 Powerful Awk Built-in Variables – FS, OFS, RS, ORS, NR, NF, FILENAME, FNR

String Functions

gawk Manual – String-Manipulation Functions

String concatenate

awk – concatenate two string variable and assign to a third
gawk Manual – String Concatenation

$ awk '{b=$1$2; print b}' file
$ awk '{b=$1" "$2; print b}' file
$ awk '{b=$1 FS $2; print b}' file


gawk Manual – Using Dynamic Regexps
gawk Manual – Using Regular Expression Constants
Pass shell variable as a /pattern/ to awk
How to use awk variables in regular expressions?
Passing variable to awk and using that in a regular expression

Shell Variables

Can we use shell variables in awk?

Internet of Things (IoT) Protocols & Standards

  • SX1276 = 868 MHz ?!
  • SX1278 = 410/450/470 MHz ?!

Internet of Things Protocols & Standards
IEEE 802.15.4
6LoWPAN – Access devices from the Web
LORIOT | LoRaWAN Services and Software

LoRa Technology
Semtech Corporation SX1276MB1MAS, LORA BI-BAND 433/868 MBED SHIELD
Extreme Range Links: LoRa 868 / 900MHz SX1272 LoRa module for Arduino Waspmote and Raspberry Pi

LoRa Gateway

SX127X LoRa Product Family
mirakonta: Run lora_gateway and packet_forwarder on OpenWrt
mirakonta: MAKE your own 200€ LoRa gateway

IBM Research Lab Zurich: IBM Long-Range Signaling and Control (LRSC) – LoRa WAN in C
github: devttys0/libmpsse, Open source library for SPI/I2C control via FTDI chips

TTN ZH: From zero to LoRaWAN in a weekend

LoRa Gateways and Concentrators
iC880A – LoRaWAN Concentrator 868MHz
Webshop: iC880A-SPI – LoRaWAN Concentrator 868MHz

LoRa Nodes

Modtronix inAir9, Sydney
Modtronix SX1276Lib
Microchip RN2483, over UART


Multi-Tech git Repository
digikey: Multi-Tech Systems MTAC-LORA-868
digikey: Multi-Tech Systems MTAC-LORA-915
Multi-Tech Systems AN868-915A-10HRA


IMST iC880A, Photo with USB connection
Raspberry Pi and Multitech LoRa mCard
MultiTech MultiConnect mCard in mini-PCIe slot on ALIX6 or APU from PC Engines


The Things Network Shop
Gateway Test


TheThingsNetwork Wiki
Getting STarted with The Things Network
Software Overview
Hardware Overview – Gateways
Hardware Overview – Nodes
Installing your Multitech mLinux Conduit
Current Network




Gateway IMST IC880A / RBPI
TTN Gateway


Meiland TTN Map
TTN Zurich

EVK & Dev Kits

The AirBoard
The AirBoard – Quick Start

  • Low Power Network (LPN)
  • Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN)
  • Long Range (Rate?) Wide-area network (LoRaWAN)
  • IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN)
  • machine-to-machine M2M
  • Smart City

The Things Network

The Things Network
The Things Network Wiki
Hardware Overview – Nodes
Microchip RN2483
IMST iM880a

Wikipedia Technology


Let’s start playing with sigfox technology, 20.03.2014
Using Telecom Design’s TD120x as a SIGFOX gateway with a Z1 mote
Wireless Garden sensing Prototype A and B (Intel Galileo, Spark Core and Grove)
A simple WiFi power cord switch with the OLIMEX ESP8266 evaluation board

  • Silicon Labs SI446x
  • Texas Instruments CC112x


  • Atmel ATA 8520
  • On Semiconductors AX-SIGFOX SoC


  • Adeunis Si 828 25mW
  • Atim ARM Nano
  • Nemeus MM002-xx-EU
  • Radiocrafts RC 1682-SIG
  • TD Next TD1208
  • Telit Le51-868S

EVK & Dev Kits

  • AXEL Elettronica Smart Everything
  • Adeunis Demonstrator
  • AirThings The AirBoard
  • Connit Live black USB
  • Embeblue
  • Radiocrafts RC 1682-SIG DK
  • Snootlab Akeru
  • TD Next TD1208 EVK
  • TST Sistemas Smart expansion board
  • Telit LE51-868SEVK


Ingenu’s RPMA Technology
Wikipedia: Random phase multiple access (RPMA)


mgcld (Mentor Graphics -> ModelSim / QuestaSim):
xilinxd (Xilinx):
snpslmd (Synopsys):
alterad (Altera Quartus):
$ lmutil.exe lmstat -a
$ lmstat -a

lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2013 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Flexible License Manager status on Wed 9/16/2015 16:03

License server status:
    License file(s) on /usr/local/flexlm/altera/license.dat: license server UP (MASTER) v9.5

Vendor daemon status (on

   alterad: UP v10.8
Feature usage info:
Users of quartus:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 1 license in use)
  "quartus" v2015.08, vendor: alterad
  floating license

   alterad: UP v10.8
Feature usage info:
Users of 6AF8_00B9:  (Total of 15 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00B9:  (Total of 15 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF8_00CB:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00CB:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF8_00D4:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF8_00EC:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00D4:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00EC:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00E8:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF8_00D5:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00D5:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF8_00A2:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00A2:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_D013:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of ip_base:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00AE:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00E6:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF8_00BD:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00BD:  (Total of 7 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of maxplus2:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of maxplus2verilog:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of maxplus2vhdl:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of quartus_stratixiigx:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of quartus_stratixgx_2:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of quartus_nonvolatile_encryption:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of quartus:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 1 license in use)
  "quartus" v2016.09, vendor: alterad
  floating license
Users of 6AF7_00C2:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_00D8:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_0014:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)
Users of 6AF7_0034:  (Total of 25 licenses issued;  Total of 0 licenses in use)

SELinux on Fedora

SELinux User’s and Administrator’s Guide (PDF)

Wikipedia: SELinux
CentOS Wiki: SELinux
Introduction to SELinux: Don’t let complexity scare you off
Practical SELinux for the beginner: Contexts and labels

Security-Enhanced Linux – User Guide
2.1. Benefits of running SELinux
5.4.2. Disabling SELinux



$ tftp -c get /app-nand.bin
Error code 0: Permission denied


$ cd /var/lib/tftpboot
$ ls -alZ 
drwxrwxrwx. root root system_u:object_r:tftpdir_rw_t:s0 .
drwxr-xr-x. root root system_u:object_r:var_lib_t:s0   ..
-rwxrwxrwx. root root system_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 app-nand.bin

$ cd ..
$ restorecon -Rv tftpboot
restorecon reset /var/lib/tftpboot/app-nand.bin context system_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0->system_u:object_r:tftpdir_rw_t:s0
restorecon set context /var/lib/tftpboot/app-nand.bin->system_u:object_r:tftpdir_rw_t:s0 failed:'Operation not permitted'

$ sudo restorecon -Rv tftpboot
restorecon reset /var/lib/tftpboot/app-nand.bin context system_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0->system_u:object_r:tftpdir_rw_t:s0

$ cd tftpboot
$ ls -alZ 
drwxrwxrwx. root root system_u:object_r:tftpdir_rw_t:s0 .
drwxr-xr-x. root root system_u:object_r:var_lib_t:s0   ..
-rwxrwxrwx. root root system_u:object_r:tftpdir_rw_t:s0 app-nand.bin

$ tftp -c get /app-nand.bin

Configuration examples
SELinux Contexts – Labeling Files

Discretionary Access Control (DAC), bei allen Linux Systemen für Files/Directories
Role Based Access Control (RBAC), bei SELinux für Prozesse

$ ls -Z file1
-rw-rw-r--  user1  group1  unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0  file1
       DAC: <user> <group> <user>       <role>   <type>    <level>

$ cat /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts.homedirs
# User-specific file contexts, generated via libsemanage
# use semanage command to manage system users to change the file_context

# Home Context for user unconfined_u
/home/[^/]*/.+ unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0
/home/[^/]*/.maildir(/.*)? unconfined_u:object_r:mail_home_rw_t:s0
/home/[^/]* -d unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0
/home/[^/]* -l unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0
/home/[^/]*/abc — unconfined_u:object_r:mozilla_home_t:s0
/home/[^/]*/tmp -d unconfined_u:object_r:user_tmp_t:s0

$ system-config-selinux

$ yum install policycoreutils-devel
$ yum install policycoreutils-gui
$ sepolicy gui