Monthly Archives: August 2023

Event/Alert/Monitoring Applications

  • Elastic beats
  • Redis
  • logstash
  • Splunk
  • BigPanda
  • servicenow
  • Kafka

Elastic Stack

Was ist der ELK Stack? (ELK = Elasticsearch, Logstash und Kibana ==> Elastic Stack mit Beats)
How to forward events from logstash to Splunk
Deploying Redis with the ELK Stack
Sending logs from filebeat to redis and then logstash
Filebeats: Configure the Redis output


Splunk Integration
Cribl Integration
Sleeping Good At Night — Kafka Configurations Tweaks

BigPanda’s pipeline handles millions of events per second using micro services architecture which is heavily dependent on Kafka.We are using Kafka as an events streaming platform which helps our micro services “talk” with each other.


Set up and use HTTP Event Collector in Splunk Web
Supported integrations


Elastic + Cribl help organizations migrate SIEM and keep it simple



Getting Started with BigPanda (Playlist)
Fast Track Video Series #7 – Getting started with BigPanda
Machine Learning & AIOps: Why IT Operations & Monitoring Teams Should Care
UBS invests in BigPanda to help drive digital disruption and innovation in AIOps

Elastic Stack

How to install and configure elasticsearch Auditbeat [7.x] | Auditbeat tutorial for beginners
[ Elasticsearch 12 ] How to configure and use AuditBeat
View Your System Logs with Elastic in Under 10 Minutes
Everything you Always Wanted to Know about Filebeat * But Were Afraid to Ask
Webinar: Elastic: Was sind Beats (Webinar vom 11. Mai 2022)


Course | Apache Kafka Fundamentals (Playlist), Confluent
Apache Kafka Tutorials | Kafka 101, Confluent
Apache Kafka in 1 hour for C# Developers – Guilherme Ferreira – NDC London 2023, NDC Conferences
System Design: Why is Kafka fast?, ByteByteGo
Apache Kafka for Beginners (3+ hours long), Bogdan Stashchuk
Was ist Kafka?, IBM Technology