tcpreplay / tcprewrite
$ sudo apt-get install tcpreplay $ tcpreplay -t -L <limit> -i <interface> <file.cap> Options: -i string, --intf1=string Server/primary traffic output interface. -I string, --intf2=string Client/secondary traffic output interface. -L number, --limit=number Limit the number of packets to send. -M float , --mbps=float Replay packets at a given Mbps. Specify a floating point value. -t, --topspeed Replay packets as fast as possible. -p number, --pps=number Replay packets at a given packets/sec. without -t or -p Send out packets as in the timestamp of each packet of the PCAP file. Wiki: tcpreplay Wiki: tcprewrite
How to capture and replay network traffic on Linux
$ sudo apt-get install packeth $ sudo packeth Load -> PCAP
Netdude 0.5.1 and libnetdude 0.12 released
Edit PCAP files in a GUI.
Netdude Homepage
Netdude Source
Merges two or more capture files into one
mergecap [ -a ] [ -v ] -w <outfile> <infile> [<infile> ...] -a Causes the frame timestamps to be ignored. When -a is not specified, the contents of the input files are merged in chronological order based on each frame's timestamp. -v Causes mergecap to print a number of messages while it's working. -w <outfile> Sets the output filename.
Prints information about capture files
-a Displays the start time of the capture. -e Displays the end time of the capture. -c Displays the number of packets in the capture file. -u Displays the capture duration, in seconds. -S Display the start and end times as seconds (unixtime)
Edit and/or translate the format of capture files
-A <start time> Saves only the packets whose timestamp is on or after start time. -B <stop time> Saves only the packets whose timestamp is before stop time. -t <time adjustment> Sets the time adjustment to use on selected packets. The adjustment is specified as [-]seconds[.fractional seconds]. -S <strict time adjustment> Time adjust selected packets to insure strict chronological order. The value represents relative seconds specified as [-]seconds[.fractional seconds]. If the value is 0 or greater then only packets with a timestamp less than the previous packet will be adjusted. If the value is specified as a negative value, then the timestamp values of all packets will be adjusted to be equal to the timestamp value of the previous packet plus the absolute value of the value