Setup / Install
How to Set Up a USB Key to Install CentOS
Linux: Geschwindigkeit von Wechseldatenträgern testen
How to change the keyboard layout
Keyboard layout in Centos
Change Keyboard language layout
$ system-config-keyboard $ system-config-keyboard --text $ vi /etc/sysconfig/keyboard KEYTABLE="sg" MODEL="pc105" LAYOUT="ch" KEYBOARDTYPE="pc" VARIANT="de_nodeadkeys"
Linux Kernel
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Release Dates
In CentOS 6.x, how can I upgrade to Kernel 3.4?
BIND Setup DNS-Zone
The BIND nameserver named server uses the /etc/named.conf file for configuration. All zone files are placed in the /var/named directory.
$ service --status-all $ service --status-all | grep ntpd $ service --status-all | less
$ service httpd status
$ chkconfig --list
$ netstat -tulpn
$ ntsysv $ chkconfig service off $ chkconfig service on $ chkconfig httpd off $ chkconfig ntpd on
Red Hat / CentOS: Check / List Running Services
Becoming root / sudo
$ sudo [...] bachi is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. $ su - Password: # visudo bachi ALL=(ALL) ALL ESC + ZZ (Exit) # exit $ sudo [..] $
Managing Software with yum
Yellowdog Updater, Modified (yum), en
Yellowdog Updater, Modified (yum), de
RPM Package Manager
yum command: Update / Install Packages Under Redhat Enterprise / CentOS Linux Version 5.x
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
Xfce on CentOS 6.5 x64
Install MATE or XFCE on CentOS 7
Updates to my Xfce 4.11 COPR repository
Second Xfce 4.10 “plugins” COPR repo for Enterprise Linux 7
Xfce packages for EPEL 7 – Updated
Compile Thunar 1.6.4 on CentOS 6.6
$ sudo yum install gcc $ sudo yum install intltool $ sudo yum install libX*-devel