Generation 3 Electronics
Motherboard 1.2
Motherboard_1.2 at Geeetech Wiki
Stepper Motor Driver 2.3
OptoEndstop 2.1
Extruder Controller 2.2
Extruder Controller 2.2 Code ModificationsSoftware
ReplicatorG Software
Generation 3 firmware
The RepRap Project at SourceForge
G3Firmware at GitHub
How to use the MakerBot 3D Printer
New Makerbot software release! ReplicatorG 0026 and Firmware 3.0! (29.09.2011)
Trouble updating firmware on Extruder Controller 2.2 on a Cupcake (2 yrs old, newly built)
Troubleshooting Extruder Controller Firmware Update
Cupcake CNC – recommended firmware?
Mk5 Extruder problems with Cupcake Build – Help!
Trouble with Cupcake Basic with Plastruder MK5 – works with old .s3g-files
Can’t connect to RepRap Motherboard V1.2
Cupcake “Toolhead 0: Not found.”
Installing the Makerbot Stepstruder upgrade on the Cupcake Ultimate (now called a CUPTHING)
MakerBot Industries
Tutorials & HowTo’s
Firmware Installation Gen3 Elektronik
Microcontroller firmware installation
List of electronics
Makerbot Motherboard 2.4
NEMA23 KL23H251-24-8B
Generation 2 Electronics
NEMA 23 Stepper motor
RepRap Options