Measuring Latency in Linux
Kernel Timer Systems
High Resolution Timers
How to detect if your timer system supports high resolution
Hrtimers and Beyond: Transforming the Linux Time Subsystems (PDF)
The high-resolution timer API
Leaping seconds and looping servers
The Inside Story of the Extra Second That Crashed the Web
hrtimer repeating task in the Linux kernel
Python: Add monotonic time, performance counter, and process time functions
hrtimer – High-resolution timer subsystem
[PATCH v2] tracing/function-graph-tracer: prevent from hrtimer interrupt infinite loop
[ 074/108] ntp: Fix leap-second hrtimer livelock
[ 080/108] timekeeping: Maintain ktime_t based offsets for hrtimers
[PATCHv3 linux-next] hrtimer: Add notifier when clock_was_set was called
Re: [PATCHv3 linux-next] hrtimer: Add notifier when clock_was_set was called
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