CSync unspecified error
c:\Program Files (x86)\switchdrive>switchdrive.exe --logfile c:\Users\andreas\switchdrive_2021_05_28_2.txt [...] 05-28 09:44:50:164 [ warning sync.database.sql ]: Sqlite step statement error: 11 "database disk image is malformed" in "SELECT path, inode, modtime, type, md5, fileid, remotePerm, filesize, ignoredChildrenRemote, contentchecksumtype.name || ':' || contentChecksum FROM metadata LEFT JOIN checksumtype as contentchecksumtype ON metadata.contentChecksumTypeId == contentchecksumtype.id WHERE phash=?1" 05-28 09:44:50:164 [ warning sync.database ]: No journal entry found for "ZHAW_Assistent/FotoFinder/BA19_bmat_02_CoolingStation/2.Recherche/files/104/icon-instagram.svg" Error: "database disk image is malformed" 05-28 09:44:50:164 [ info sync.database ]: Closing DB "C:/Users/andreas/switchdrive/._sync_1f3ce89cbf1f.db" 05-28 09:44:50:166 [ warning sync.engine ]: ERROR during csync_update : "CSync unspecified error." 05-28 09:44:50:182 [ info sync.database ]: Closing DB "C:/Users/andreas/switchdrive/._sync_1f3ce89cbf1f.db" 05-28 09:44:50:182 [ info sync.engine ]: CSync run took 7183 ms 05-28 09:44:50:182 [ info gui.socketapi ]: Sending SocketAPI message --> "STATUS:OK:C:\\Users\\andreas\\switchdrive" to QLocalSocket(0x93bb298) 05-28 09:44:50:182 [ info gui.folder ]: Client version 2.5.4daily20190604 (build 1865) Qt 5.11.2 SSL OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018 05-28 09:44:50:182 [ warning gui.folder ]: SyncEngine finished with ERROR 05-28 09:44:50:182 [ info gui.folder ]: Folder sync result: 2 05-28 09:44:50:182 [ info gui.folder ]: the last 3 syncs failed 05-28 09:44:50:182 [ info gui.socketapi ]: Sending SocketAPI message --> "STATUS:OK:C:\\Users\\andreas\\switchdrive" to QLocalSocket(0x93bb298) 05-28 09:44:50:183 [ info gui.socketapi ]: Sending SocketAPI message --> "UPDATE_VIEW:C:\\Users\\andreas\\switchdrive" to QLocalSocket(0x93bb298)
ownCloud Client Manual – Appendix C: Troubleshooting
Owncloud Datenbank-Probleme
Download sqlite3: SQLite Download Page, sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3350500.zip
SQLite Commands
Command Line Shell For SQLite
C:\Users\andreas\switchdrive>c:\sqlite-tools-win32-x86-3350500\sqlite3.exe C:/Users/andreas/switchdrive/._sync_1f3ce89cbf1f.db SQLite version 3.35.5 2021-04-19 18:32:05 Enter ".help" for usage hints. sqlite> PRAGMA integrity_check; row 39975 missing from index sqlite_autoindex_metadata_1 sqlite> reindex; sqlite> PRAGMA integrity_check; ok sqlite> .exit